Fuse Insurance

Industry Spotlight: Manufacturing Insurance in Canada

Industry Spotlight: Manufacturing Insurance in Canada

Manufacturing is one of Canada’s most important sectors. Between sophisticated machinery, new regulations, and system interconnectivity, the industry has seen innovative changes in recent years.

Often the equipment used by manufacturing companies relies heavily on computers. As more manufacturers move towards business-wide connected software systems, the need for high-quality insurance and risk management expertise increases. Interconnectivity can increase the efficiency of the production process, but it can also put your business at risk to cyber threats such as malware and phishing. Luckily there are many different insurance options available to manufacturers to ensure you’re protected for all aspects of your business.

Since each manufacturing company is different, we take the time to ensure your insurance package and risk management plan are customized to fit your products.

Trust the experts at Fuse insurance to help identify and mitigate your risks so that you can focus on building the products of the future. For further information or to get an online quote now, click here or call us at 1-866-387-FUSE (3873) for more details.


Types of Manufacturing Businesses We Insure


What kind of coverage is available for the manufacturing industry?

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